Submission Form
Through the online Complaint Submission Form, which you will find further down on this page;
Complaints & Objections
To submit a complaint/objection related to the insurance policies and/or services provided to you by Ethniki Asfalistiki, you can choose one of the following methods:
Submission Form
Through the online Complaint Submission Form, which you will find further down on this page;
By phone
From a fixed or mobile phone at the Customer Service Center of Ethniki Asfalistiki, 24/7, calling: (+30) 210 909 97 77 (Greece or abroad);
By sending an e-mail to: (please include your full contact details in your message);
By post
By regular mail to Ethniki Asfalistiki (‘ETHNIKI’ GENERAL INSURANCE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY), 103-105 Syngrou Avenue, 117 45 Athens, Complaints and Objections Management Sub-directorate.
The usual response time is fifteen (15) working days from the day of receipt of your complaint. In any case, within 50 days at the latest, we will send you a written and reasoned reply. If we are unable to reply within the prescribed timeframe, we will explain the reasons for the delay, informing you of the estimated time needed to address your complaint. If the Company’s reply does not resolve or address fully the complaint or issue that concerns you, you may contact the competent authorities, including but not limited to the following:
Bank of Greece
Private Insurance Supervision Directorate
21 Eleftheriou Venizelou, 102 50 Athens
Tel: 210 320 5222, 210 320 5223
Fax: 210 320 5437-8
Ministry of Development
Γενική Γραμματεία Εμπορίου & Προστασίας του Καταναλωτή
Kaningos Square, 101 81, Athens;
Tel.: 1520
Fax: 210 384 3549
Consumer Ombudsman
144 Alexandras Avenue, 114 71 Athens
Tel.: 210 646 0862, 210 646 0814, 210 646 0612, 210 646 0734, 210 646 0458
Fax: 210 646 0414
In any case, we inform you that the submission of an objection to the Company or to the competent authorities/bodies does not interrupt the limitation period for any claims the person filing the objection may wish to bring before the courts.
Each objection addressed to the Ethniki Asfalistiki Complaints and Objections Management Sub-directorate is processed by the competent services with a view to providing a reasoned and timely reply. The stages of processing and verification of the reply, for which each person filing an objection may be informed upon written request, are defined in the respective procedure of the Company, as well as in the Objections Policy approved by the Board of Directors, both of which ensure the thorough and objective investigation of objections.