Acting with responsibility for everyone’s future

Meet the members of the Board of Directors and Committees of Ethniki Asfalistiki and learn more about the structure and the people who take care of the decision-making and management of our Company, seeking to ensure a better future for Ethniki Asfalistiki and for everyone.

Board of Directors & Organization Chart

The Board of Directors of Ethniki Insurance consists of seven (7) to fifteen (15) members. Their exact number is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders, which also votes for their election.

Organization Chart

Board Committees

The Committees of the Board of Directors of Ethniki Asfalistiki have clearly defined responsibilities, as assigned by the Board of Directors. They are supported by the Company’s Management and executives and/or by external consultants with expertise on the issues under consideration. They carry out assessments and audits and make recommendations to the Board of Directors, while supervising, where appropriate, the implementation of decisions and facilitating the immediate and effective adaptation of Ethniki Insurance to the changes imposed by current developments.

Specifically, the Board of Directors has set up and is assisted by the following Committees:

The Ethniki Asfalistiki Group

Seeking to constantly improve the quality and extend the scope of the services offered by Ethniki Asfalistiki, we are expanding our activity beyond Greece, developing a significant presence in Cyprus and in Romania, with an equally broad and reliable network of insurance intermediaries and associated agents.

Ethniki Insurance Cyprus

Ethniki Insurance Cyprus Ltd was founded in 2001 with headquarters in Nicosia. Since then it has emerged as a reliable insurance service provider with a strong presence in life and health insurance sectors, as well as in general insurance thanks to the wide network of branch offices, insurance consultants and associated agents.

Garanta Asigurari S.A.

Garanta Asigurari SA was founded in October 1997 in Romania. Since then, thanks to its extensive network of branch offices, agents and insurance consultants, the company covers all insurance sectors, offering reliable insurance products through the network of bank offices of Eximbank, Alpha Bank Romania and First Bank Romania.

Whistleblowing – Submission of Reports or Comments

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